Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group (Core/MAGIRT)



Discusses the basic issues relating to bibliographic control of maps and related materials. Discusses rules and standards covering such cataloging, as well as application of the rules and principles both in general and in response to specific problems, and various practicing options.

This interest group is part of Core's .


Jenny Levine
(Staff Liaison, September 1, 2020, to June 30, 2025)

Displaying active committee roster as of 09/19/2024. Last retrieved on 09/19/2024. Refresh now.



  • , where anyone can join it.
  • .


The group's conveners have committed to providing the following activities throughout the year:

  • Facilitate year-round discussion in the Connect group;
  • Participate in Interest Group Week, which is held the first full week of March each year;
  • Plan an in-person discussion at the Annual Conference.
Get Involved


Interest group members do not need to be members of Core, or even of . Anyone with an account can join a Core interest group in Connect. Conveners must be Core members, but anyone can join or leave an interest group at any time.