Describe yourself in three words

Caring, dedicated, enthusiastic.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?

I am listening to a great band out of Israel by the name of Balkan Beat Box. It is rare for me to listen to one artist as I am constantly seeking out new music! My reading ls also constantly in flux. Two of the more recent reads are quite different in scope. One is a great medieval chronicle "The Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond" and the other the Dogman series by Dav Pilkey.

Describe ACRL in three words:

Community, diverse, inspirational.

What do you value about ACRL?

I see ACRL as a resource for everyone in the profession. From those like myself in Access Services to students to deans. We all have access to wonderful educational resources that enable us to better ourselves as information literacy professionals.We also have a strong network of peers to draw inspiration from. I was able to attend ACRL 2019 in part to a staff scholarship. The experience was beyond a doubt a highlight for me as a aspiring librarian. I really saw myself as a member of a community at the conference and gained so much by attending topical sessions and networking with peers across the profession.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?

As a paraprofessional staff member, I see the benefit of working in the profession on a daily basis. Interacting with patrons and having the ability to help them fulfill their research goals is rewarding. Students come to the service desk with all manners of questions. It is a great feeling to help them discover something new and have them take that information and run with it. I want their experience to be a positive one and I strive to do my best to get them the answers they need.

In your own words

If you had asked me ten years ago if was going to be the ACRL member of the week, I would have laughed you out of the room. I have had a long and winding journey to where I am today, but I am secure in the knowledge that I am doing what I love. Libraries have always been a part of my life and I am excited to be part of a profession that can and does change lives. It certainly changed mine!

Credentials:MA, MLIS

Title:Holds and Office Delivery Manager

Workplace:East Carolina University

Location:Greenville, NC