Arianne Hartsell-Gundy

Arianne Hartsell-Gundy headshot
Describe yourself in three words

Collaborative, persistent, thoughtful.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?


I just finished "Making a Scene" by Constance Wu and am starting "Scattered Showers" by Rainbow Rowell. For professional reading, I’m reading "Deconstructing Service in Libraries" by Veronica Arellano Douglas and Joanna Gadsby.

Describe ACRL in three words:

Educational, supportive, collegial.

What do you value about ACRL?


ACRL has been a source of professional growth and learning for me. I have had many wonderful opportunities, including participating in the Immersion Program and co-editing two ACRL publications. Each opportunity has helped me make vital connections to colleagues across the country and become better at my work. Probably the aspect I have found the most valuable is being a member of the sections, especially Literatures in English (LES). I have made great friends, found collaborators, shared success stories, and (sometimes) vented in LES.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?


A major part of my job is supporting and advocating for the amazing humanities and social science librarians in my department. I view my role as a liaison librarian as being a connector, specifically connecting my academic departments to the resources and services we offer. Being a connector can mean anything from translating library policy, advocating for the purchase of a primary source, teaching a first-year student how to evaluate resources, or being a sympathetic ear for an overwhelmed graduate student. Also, as a Literature librarian, I do fun things like co-facilitate a book club, write blog posts celebrating authors’ birthdays, and buy poetry.

In your own words


While I hope I make a positive impact on patrons, I also want to acknowledge the impact that others have had on me. Librarianship is an incredibly collaborative field. I have been lucky to have had amazing mentors at every step of my education and professional life, people who taught me important lessons and encouraged me at moments when I doubted myself. I also benefit daily from the colleagues I work with throughout our libraries; it’s easy to be a connector when you can connect patrons to fabulous colleagues doing important work both behind the scenes and on the front lines.


Title:Head of the Humanities and Social Sciences Department & Librarian for Literature

Workplace:Duke University

Location:Durham, NC