Describe yourself in three words

Paper-based life form.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?


I find that I’m reading articles from publications like The Atlantic (online), Mother Jones, Harper’s, Discover and Smithsonian and my favorite periodical The Sun and its readers write column. And I read online news sources like Morning Brew, the 1440 and ProPublica. I’ve also been rereading Martha Grimes’ "I am the only dancing footman" and other books in her Richard Jury mystery series for fun.

Describe ACRL in three words:

Connecting collaborative colleagues.

What do you value about ACRL?


I have primarily been involved with the Science and Technology Section during my time in ACRL. I value the fact that I can come together with my science librarian colleagues and both share ideas and learn from them. There are only a few (3) science librarians at my institution, so I gain from interacting in ACRL. STS has provided an outlet for service as well, as my service has included section secretary, section chair and I have chaired of a number of STS committees. I’m looking forward to learning a lot at ACRL 2023.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?


I assist our users in navigating our online and physical services as a member of the user services department as well as working with faculty and students in five science departments. I help students who are struggling as well as those have a clear idea about their research with finding resources, the traditional librarian job. I also deal with new aspects of research for faculty like scholarly impact and open access publishing. I try to meet users where they are and build on their skills, recognizing that the scholarly environment is changing rapidly and that we must change with it.

In your own words


My first library job was as an evening library assistant in a diploma nursing school library. From there I workd as an advancing library assistant at the Library of Michigan. In that position I wore many hats and got a broad range of experience. When my husband returned to college to earn his PhD in Botany at the University of Wisconsin Madison, I returned to complete the undergraduate degree I started in 1969 and then earned an MLIS from Wisconsin as well. We came to Athens in 1997 and I have worked as a librarian since. I’ve served on campus as member of many campus committees including on our Administrative Senate, as librarians are not faculty at Ohio. Librarianship has changed greatly over years. I have had to change with it. We are in the midst of reimaging the roles of subject librarians which will change all our jobs, but hopefully bring more of what’s needed to our users. I just keep a flexible attitude and try to keep learning.

Credentials:MALIS, he/him

Title:Subject Librarian for Life and Physical Sciences & Assistant Head, User Services

Job Function:Subject Librarian

Workplace:Ohio University Libraries

Location:Athens OH