Describe yourself in three words

Compassionate, innovative, continuous learner.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?


I am constantly looking for ways to improve my professional development within the field of academic librarianship. I am currently reading, "Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning" and re-reading "Engaging Ideas: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning" by John Bean. I spent over 8 years working with Children's and Young Adult Literature. I enjoy reading this area in my leisure time. Right Now, I am reading "American Royals" by Katherine McGee. I am a huge Disney Parks fan. Therefore, I am constantly listening to the various Animal Kingdom Loops on YouTube. It calms me down during the hectic days. I am always envisioning eating a Mickey Shaped Ice Cream Bar while tackling a research-based inquiry! On the flip side, The Epcot Loops (especially Impressions de France soundtrack) gets me energized and pumped for the day.

Describe ACRL in three words:

Informative, fellowship, innovative.

What do you value about ACRL?


I value ACRL's commitment to modern librarianship within the field of access, confidentiality, privacy, education, and life long learning. These are just a few of the core values associated with professional practice. I find it important to create, maintain, and foster professional development opportunities. I feel that ACRL supports all aspects of life long learning and services that enhance my knowledge within the field of academic librarianship. I enjoy partaking in the various webinars offered to bring back this new knowledge to my academic institution.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?


I began my current position in July of 2019. Previously, I held the position of Humanities Research and Instruction Librarian at a different institution. Currently, I am developing my own assessment plans for the College of Education regarding information literacy sessions, research guides, and community engagement. I am new to the position. However, I am fiercely committed to learning my new liaison department and developing relationships. I enjoy getting to know my faculty's own personal research and teaching goals for the year. It allows me to provide assistance at the proper rate of efficiency. It's important to become engaged with faculty, staff, and students within the landscape of the campus (especially on a cultural level). It's important to raise awareness for our collection and services to ensure all academic needs are being met effectively. I am currently mentoring an undergraduate student for the year. I have enjoyed seeing "campus" through her lenses and helping her adjust to college accordingly. Overall, engagement and outreach play a huge role in shaping my everyday work.

In your own words


In my perspective, it's important to consider your audience. Who are we serving? How can we best serve our population? What new majors or courses are being added to our respected department(s)? I look at the landscape nature of our students. It's taking their academic preparation, aspirations, and cognitive development into consideration. I think in terms of what are some ways of receiving and processing information that makes it easier for people to attend, grasp or retain an information literacy session? What are the top three takeaways from that session? I find it important to encourage human minds to learn. In my mind, I am taking students from duality to multiplicity to relativism to commitment. Ultimately, you are taking students from uncertainty to uncertainty (legitimate/inherent) to standards of comparison. I love seeing the light bulb moment. I love creating high engagement and active learning sessions connecting to real-world opportunities.

Title:Associate Education Librarian

Workplace:Texas Tech University

Location:Lubbock, Texas