Rural, Native, and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds Committee



To review issues and challenges facing rural, native and tribal libraries of all kinds; to collaborate with other units addressing the needs of rural communities; and to serve as an advocate for and partner with libraries serving rural, tribal and native populations.


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Displaying active committee roster as of 07/01/2025. Last retrieved on 09/18/2024. Refresh now.





The Rural, Native and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds Committee shall consist of 15 members, including a chair to be appointed annually by the President-elect:

  • 1 member from the American Indian Library Association, appointed by the AILA president
  • 1 member from PLA, appointed by the PLA presiding officer
  • 1 member from AASL, appointed by the AASL presiding officer
  • 1 member appointed by the chair of the Legislation Committee, Washington office
  • 1 member appointed by the ODLOS Advisory Committee Chair
  • 6 members at large to be selected by the President-elect
  • 2 committee associates with two-year, staggered terms
  • 1 member appointed by ARSL presiding officer
  • 1 member appointed by ABOS presiding officer
Subcommitees and Task Forces



Staff Liaison


Amber Hayes

Communications and Outreach Program Officer

Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services