Building Library Capacity Grants - Frequently Asked Questions


Building Library Capacity Grants - Frequently Asked Questions

This resource provides answers to many questions that you might have about the application process. This page will be updated as additional frequent questions are identified.

Eligibility and Awards | Preparing your application | Timeline and Review Process | Award Information and Grant Requirements | Additional Questions

Virtual Grant Information Session on Tuesday, March 19 at 3 p.m. Central Time |

Eligibility and Awards

Q. What types of libraries are eligible to apply for Building Library Capacity Fund in 2024?

A. The Building Library Capacity Grants will assist libraries that are or will serve incarcerated persons or assist those re-entering society.

  • libraries already serving incarcerated persons or services to those re-entering society
  • libraries who would like to use the grant to begin serving incarcerated persons or starting services for those re-entering society.
  • It is open for both libraries in carceral institutions and those outside carceral institutions.

Q. How many grants will be awarded and for how much?

A. The Fund will provide up to 16 grants of $10,000 each.

Q. Does the library need to be an institution member of , or have a staff person who is a member of to be eligible for a grant?

A. No

Q. Can my library that has multiple locations, submit more than one application?

A. No, there can only be one submission per institution. But the application can request support for one or more libraries or target audiences.

Q. Can grant funds be proposed for multiple services or activities?

A. Yes, if costs allow these services to be covered within the grant award range.

Q. What are some underserved or underrepresented groups that could be target audiences?

  • Historically disadvantaged racial and ethnic groups; low literacy populations

Preparing your Application

Q. Who should register and fill out the grant application from my library?

A. It can be the library director, grant coordinator, or another staff member who has been assigned on behalf of the institution. The person responsible for completing the application should be the only person to on the application site. Not sure if you, or your someone at your organization has an Apply account profile? If you think that you or someone at your organization has already registered in the system, do not create a new account. Please contact us at to inquire about an organizational record in Apply.

Q. Are we able to download the grant application to preview?

A. Yes. You can download a PDF version of the application to use as a reference while preparing your application.

Q. Does the application system allow me to save and return to edit?

A. Yes, you can save and return to edit as many times as you need.

Q. Can I edit my application after it is submitted?

No, once you Submit your application, you will not be allowed to return to edit.

Q. May applications be submitted in hard copy?

A. No. Applications must be submitted online by 11:59 pm Central Time (CT) on April 12, 2024. Applications that are late or incomplete will not be reviewed.

Timeline and Review Process

Q. How will my library’s proposal be reviewed?

A. Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

• The budget impact on library to provide services to the community.

• Identification of target audience(s) and their needs.

• Proposed use of grant funds to serve target audiences.

• Expected outcomes and impacts and measurements.

• Budget and alignment of requested items/elements to proposed activities.

Proposals will be assessed, and awardees selected by the Libraries Building Capacity Review Committee.

Q. How will I be notified about the status of my application?

A. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your application is submitted. All applicants will be notified of their award status via email by May 28, 2024

Award Information and Grant Requirements

Q. What can funds be requested for?

A. Grants are intended to help support library operations and services (in-person, virtual, mobile, outreach, etc.) Funds can be applied but are not exclusive to:

  • Library staff time (direct or indirect, including benefits)
  • Purchase or licensing of needed resources or collections (print and electronic)
  • Technology (e.g., virtual meeting licenses, iPads, Wi-Fi hotspots, etc.)
  • Equipment (for pop-up libraries, etc.)
  • General library operations to extend services

Q. Are there any ineligible expenses for the grant funds?

A. No, funds can be requested to cover any needed cost of library operations toward providing the serviced and support for the target audience(s) of the grant.

Q: Is overhead allowed in the grant proposal?

A: No, overhead, also known as indirect costs or facilities and administrative (F&A) costs, refers to the expenses associated with running an organization or institution that are not directly related to a specific project or program. These costs may include things like rent, utilities, and administrative salaries. These are not eligible for funding.

Q. What will be required if my library is awarded a grant?

A. The grantee will be required to submit two short interim reports on October 15, 2024, and January 15, 2024. The reports will provide updates on activities of the grant toward target audiences and records of items and materials purchased, and any other cost accounts applied to the grant. A comprehensive final report to on the grant accomplishments, impact, and use of funds will be due March 31, 2025.

Additional Questions

Q. I have additional questions about my application. Who can I contact?

A. You can also send an e-mail the Chapter Relations Office at or call (312) 280-3200 or toll free (800) 545-2433 x 3200

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