School Library Research (SLR) Volume 23


Refereed Research Articles

Burns, Elizabeth. 2020. “Reflective School Library Practitioners: Use of Journaling to Strengthen Practice.” School Library Research Vol. 23 (2020).

Board Approved: July 2020

Sultanik, Alyssa. 2020. “Genrefying the Children’s Fiction Collection.” School Library Research Vol. 23 (2020).

Board Approved: July 2020

Wood, Clare, et al. 2020. “Exploring the Literacy-Related Behaviors and Feelings of Pupils Eligible for Free School Meals in Relation to Their Use of and Access to School Libraries.” School Library Research Vol. 23 (2020).

Board Approved: July 2020

Leung, Lok-Man, Dickson Chiu, and Patrick Lo. 2020 “School Librarians View of Cooperation with Public Libraries: A Win-Win Situation in Hong Kong.” School Library Research Vol. 23 (2020).

Board approved: May 2020

Soulen, Rita Reinsel. 2020. “School Librarian Interventions for New-Teacher Resilience: A CLASS II Field Study.” School Library Research Vol. 23 (2020).

Board approved: January 2020

DiScala, Jeffrey, Elizabeth A. Burns, and Sue C. Kimmel. 2020. “Pre-Service School Librarians’ Perceptions of Research Pedagogy: An Exploratory Study.” School Library Research Vol. 23 (2020).

Board approved: December 2019

To view other Volumes, please visit the SLR Archive.